I have a solid technical background. When I learned to code in the early 80s, there was no Internet, no software engineering degree, and no library of books or tutorials; at best, all you had was a memory map and a sheet of mnemonics to memorize. I learned programming the hard way, by trial-and-error, and by doing. When time permits, I still toy around with some Assembly and robotics, and my passion will always be low-level coding.
Technical Experience:
- ANSI / ISO āCā (Vanilla C in various incarnations)
- C++
- Zilog Z80 (8-bit)
- 6502 / 6510 (8-bit)
- MC680x0 (8- / 16- / 32-bit) ( C & Assembly)
- RISC ARM7 & RISC ARM9 (C & Assembly)
- Intel 80×86 (C, C++ & Assembly)
- DirectX & OpenGL
- BASIC dialects
- Modula 2 & DataFlex / Oracle
- Torque TGE / TGEA / TGB
- Unity3D Engine
- Unreal Engine
- Vicious Engine
- GameBryo Engine
- Actimagine VX & MobiClip Codecs
- HTML3 (by hand)
- Blitz3D / BlitzMax / DarkBasic / PureBasic
- SmartSVN / Tortoise SVN, Make / GNU-GCC
- XBOX SDKs, Nintendo SDKs, PSN / Sony SDKs
As a Producer and Technical Producer, I have used Basecamp and various AxoSoft OnTime Sprint & Scrum Software solutions as SCRUM-master. My favorite coding environments are Microsoft Visual Studio and the (now) obsolete Metrowerks CodeWarrior Studio for PC and consoles.