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Samuel DenHartog | LinkedIn

“We had the pleasure to have Hans Olsen as our CEO for a couple of years and have worked with him several years prior.  Hans always brings a positive attitude and great energy and ideas to anything he is involved in.  He is incredibly well connected and brings much experience within the game industry and would be a great asset to any company in helping them attain new heights.”

Jason Falcus | LinkedIn

I have known Hans Olsen for many years, and have come very close to employing him. Unfortunately, it did not happen due to his location in the United States, but I would not hesitate to offer Hans a job again. He has a vast wealth of games industry knowledge and experience, with a fantastic personality. He has an outstanding technical ability combined with a great knowledge of production, project management, design and studio management. He works incredibly hard and has never lost his enthusiasm for games. He is well-connected, and a true industry veteran, and has always stayed at the forefront of technology, even though it has re-invented itself many times over during his career. Unfortunately, due to Hans’ location, it is unlikely that I will ever be able to hire him, but our loss is someone else’s gain. I am sure he will continue to have a long and successful career.”

Judy Shackelford | LinkedIn

“Hans Olsen has worked as an independent contractor for our company, J. Shackelford Associates LLC, as the Technical Producer for a Unity3D Virtual World, we are creating. Hans’ work and leadership skills are outstanding. He is a team player and is well-liked and respected by everyone on our team of artists and programmers. Because we practice Agile Development, Hans also serves as Scrum Master, sets up and leads the daily scrum meeting, creates all schedules, sprints, and burn down charts for our team. Hans’ personal integrity and work ethic have provided a strong positive example for the team. On a more personal note, Hans is an extremely likable person, trustworthy, and very organized, and I have come to rely on Hans not only as a valued part of our development team but as a trusted right arm to me on the project.”

Kristen Salvatore | LinkedIn

“Hans Olsen and his team helped us create the first prototype of a product that was completely unlike anything our market-leading company had produced previously — no small feat. They were delightful to work with and did an incredible job bringing our brainchild to life. It is not easy to make something from quite literally nothing but some ideas on paper; we were actually able to use Hans’ work to show potential clients what the product would be like, with complete confidence. Hans himself is dedicated and communicative, and is just a really nice person to boot. I would definitely work with him again.”

Randall Polk | LinkedIn

“Hans Olsen has worked closely with META 3D Studios and has acted as our Executive Producer for more than four years on multiple PC, Xbox Live Arcade, Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS titles. When Hans first approached META 3D Studios to provide artwork on a PC game product, we jumped at the chance to work on the high profile brand. Throughout this initial project, Hans displayed an excellent ability to communicate through to the client, coordinate with contracted artists and programmers, and drive the whole development team to a successful completion. As the first project ended, I realized how special Hans and his company was at running successful projects. Many other successful projects have followed. Hans’ vast level of experience and knowledge of game development helped us deliver top quality results. His professionalism carried throughout all levels of production. He not only cared about his company, but he also helped META 3D Studios create business plans, marketing materials, and strategies to get more business. I highly recommend Hans Olsen to any company looking for an excellent leader who is always motivated to deliver successful results.”

John O’Neill | LinkedIn

“This is my personal recommendation for Hans Olsen. Hans is an established software developer and one of the most passionate individuals I have ever had the pleasure to know. It takes a great deal of passion and professionalism to succeed in the game industry, and Hans definitely tops the charts in both. My professional experience has been working with Hans in a business relationship, where he was tasked with extremely impossible goals and very demanding time constraints. Most people I know would have given up or thrown in the towel; Hans chose to face those challenges head-on and have given over 100% of himself to his company and the demands they made upon him. I do not know many people who would have gone that extra distance or fought so hard to service those company needs. I highly recommend you give Hans serious consideration as integration with part of your team. His experience, motivation, and sheer drive to get the job done will spill through to bring forth success for the team and your company.”

John Say | LinkedIn

“Hans Olsen has worked for us as our Senior Lead PC & Console Engineer. His responsibility was to spearhead the production of our first console title for the Xbox Live Arcade and to advise our design teams in the preliminary development phases of a Nintendo DS game. Hans is the consummate hard worker and he persevered through a number of difficult roadblocks to help move our project forward. His knowledge of the gaming world and his extensive industry contacts proved quite useful as our company began its journey into the console and handheld space. I enjoyed working with Hans, and I know he could contribute his skills and his passion for gaming to your company.”

Johnathon Vought | LinkedIn

“I got to work with Hans Olsen on several projects we mostly can’t talk about, but they are pretty good clients! Usually people just throw the word “value” in and it does not have much meaning … but in this case, “value” does not say enough. If you want each of your dollars spent on development to look like 100 dollars, call Hans! There is nobody better at bringing an almost exponential price/quality curve to the situation. Hans is also a constant communicator between vendors and clients that means you are never in the dark about the current state of your project. For us vendors, we have never missed a deadline working for Hans. I will repeat that, his team management / budgeting skills help us to NEVER MISS a deadline (which is critical in game dev).”

Claus Demant | LinkedIn

“Hans developed, as PR specialist at Creative Labs in the Nordic, the press coverage for our multimedia products significantly. Hans has a great technical understanding and is able to communicate this effective to layman. This coupled with his large network in the media landscape were some of the key components to his fine results. As person Hans is outgoing, able to juggle many balls and a hardworking individual. I am happy to give my best recommendation on Hans”


“Mission accomplished – the publication of our indie game (City of Ashes) on IGN and Gametrailers … that’s a blast – my jaw dropped – it’s simply the best possible start we could have wished for. Very good work and thank you for your cooperation!!!!”

Game Scorpion

“I used Hans’ service for the first time (Knights of Riddle) and it won’t be the last! Incredible service and he saved me a lot of time and money I would have spent in trying to connect with journalists or writing a press release. He knows his stuff and I would recommend him to every indie developer and game studio. Best money you’ll spent on marketing your game!”

Exoception Games

We had the pleasure of working with Hans right before the release of our indie game Tin Can. Hans did an amazing job making sure as many media outlets heard of us. His work greatly contributed to our successful launch and we know we will definitely contact him again for any future game project!”

Digital Theory

“I wanted to reach out and thank you for all of your help and work over the past month. The reception and coverage to the game Voodoo Kid has completely blown us away and it wouldn’t have been possible without your support.”

Robot Gentlemen Studios

“We originally approached GAME PROMOTER™ to support the launch of our debut title 60 Seconds!. Their hard work and a wide network of contacts made it possible to generate an early buzz for our game that quickly translated into a rapidly growing interest and introduced a wide range of audiences to our project. We were extremely happy to have worked with GAME PROMOTER™ and are looking forward to working with these talented folks again!”

Hashbang Games

“We hired GAME PROMOTER™ for our launch title Gravi, and they have done an amazing job for us! They continue to impress us with new connections and new opportunities. They have gone above and beyond our expectations and we are most grateful for their dedication and hard work. On behalf of Hashbang Games, our entire team wishes to thank GAME PROMOTER™ for all they have done for us!”

The Game Makers | GameGuru

“The team at GAME PROMOTER™ has helped us open up new markets for our game creation products GameGuru and AppGameKit. Their drive and passion to work with us has been impressive and they continue to support our needs for positive PR and press release announcements”


“Working with GAME PROMOTER™ is like having a full-time PR & Business person working with us. They help us to promote and sell our products so we can focus on developing them. They never stop when the work is done. They follow up and support us beyond the agreement. Communication is one of the most important thing, and we get everything and beyond from GAME PROMOTER™”

Ironsun Studios

“We at Ironsun Studios couldn’t have wished for better service for marketing of our games than the service we received from GAME PROMOTER™. We can categorically say they have opened doors for us that no other service has been able to, and shown a love and attention to us above and beyond the call of duty. Outstanding”

Coatsink Software & Games

“We’ve worked with GAME PROMOTER™ on several occasions over the years and have always found their expertise and results to be invaluable, especially at their competitive low cost. We highly recommend GAME PROMOTER™ to all up-and-coming developers!”

99 Games

“Working with GAME PROMOTER™ has always been a pleasure. They are very approachable and extremely prompt despite the time difference to India, where we are based. We have gained a lot of exposure for our games through their service and look forward to working with them in the future!”

Debug Design

“I have worked with GAME PROMOTER™ on multiple projects and have been pleased with the results. They excel at getting your games in front of games journalists and on key websites. They have got my press releases in front of both small reviewers and big game sites! I will be using their services a lot in the coming year”

University Of Games

“We are very grateful to GAME PROMOTER™ for helping us market our first game very well. Their expert help on marketing games, with special emphasis on Indies is just the best. The University of Games is very grateful and we’ll definitely work with GAME PROMOTER™ in our future projects”


“GAME PROMOTER™ consistently provides high quality and a level of responsiveness that is unmatched by any other service around. To say that I’m thrilled with their performance is a major understatement”

Hans Olsen | 2024